Were you ever amazed at the bunny and the magician's hat as a child? Maybe you're still amazed, and that's okay, the point is that we've all seen something dissapear right before our very eyes.
This past Sunday God reminded me of this principle of worship.
I looked out on the congregation from the platform and noticed key individuals that God used to paint a wonderful picture of worship for me.
I noticed a husband and wife surrounding each other with tears and passionate prayers because of a physical miracle that's needed.
Right in front of me I saw a very close, and very large family who together were mourning the lost of a dear family member.
Then I saw a newly married couple with their son who I know have recently considered divorce because of the intense struggle in their relationship.
And then, in the midst of all of that God put a song in my heart... "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of this world will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace."
How is it that anyone can keep strength and peace of mind in the overwhelming trials of life? How is it that someone nearing a physical death could keep solitude and regular sanctuary? How is it that a death in a very close family brings that family closer together? How is it that a struggling couple find peace of mind and peace of future to continue to walk the less-traveled road to reconciliation?
Easy. Eyes focused on God. "...The things of this world will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace." It really works. When we're looking up towards God, affirming all these things about Him and His character, the world really does dissappear.
Now you see it, now you don't.
Hey Mike, The Lord showed me something very unique within the last two weeks, I was on the schedule to do a Guitar special this coming Sunday, several weeks ago I saw this and the devil began to work on my heart. Stating that I had nothing to offer. At Blessed hope when Pastor Grant gave the word, the Lord spoke to me saying, your abilties to play that guitar were meant to worship me. It is not a performance, but an act of worship to me. If you do not use this gift for my glory, then there is no sense in me having the gift. Worship as long as it comes right from the heart, is all God wants from us. We give him our talents and he provides the increase. I am of the firm belief the the devil fools us sometimes without us even fully understanding what is going on. He lies to us and tries to convince us that our worship stinks in the eyes and ears of God. How wrong that is.
I see my musical abilities quite different today after he allowed me to see what was beginning to happen.
Uncle Gary
That night was a good God-speaking night for me too. I honestly was somewhat frustrated. Then, during Pastor Grant's message, he mentioned how we only make our offering to God. There is not other offering but to Him. Man's applause is great, but God's applause is necessary and the goal of our sacrifice.
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