Even when I got to college I struggled with finishing my schoolwork. I hated research papers the most. I never felt like doing the research.
As my responsibilities increase, I'm always having to learn new things. It's a new perspective in sales, or maybe a new customer that I have to get to know. I'm always learning... How ironic.
Our Human Resources department told me one time that the reason that our company offers tuition reimbursement is because they had discovered that an employee that is challenged in His mind is much more productive in the job than an employee who is not.
I think the same thing about our focus and discipline in worship. Just like the last post where we realize that we ought to keep things "fresh", I think we need to take it to another level.
How do you keep things fresh? It's not just by singing new songs... It's not just by switching up the worship team, or changing the key of the song... As much as I hate to say it... the "freshness" comes with discipline. I hate to say it because I hate to do it. I just got done with a song that says "teach me to love your ways." Why? Because I really don't like God's ways sometimes. I'm not good at discipline. It hurts. It's really uncomfortable. But it's necessary.
Tonight I was with a friend who mentioned that he feels the best when he's worshipping. I'll help him expand on that. He feels best when he's surrendered. When he's obedient to the ways of God.
Aren't we all? You'd think so, but we live opposite our understanding then.
My suggestion is that we be student worshippers. Let's discover God daily in His word. Let's uncover the mystery of His faithfulness as we put our belief to action. If we believe that God is really in control, we ought to let Him reign there and not try to buck His authority when He wants to discipline us. It really is for our own good.
And in the end, we really will have learned more; and we'll have yet another revelation of God to respond to with worship.
Class dismissed!